Spring 2025 Mexico Update
[Editor: this article first appeared on www.ronsfishingblog and may only be used by permission of Ron Speed Jr.]

Greg Keys (L) day one 9.5lbs on a Ned Rig and JW Peterson (R) used an underspin and 4” swimbait for his 9.2lbs Picachos toad!!!
Every time I think this lake cannot get any better, it proves otherwise. If you’ve read my updates since the lake opened 11+ years ago, you’ll know there are no adjectives left for me to use to describe how great the fishing is at Picachos. You may remember the many times I’ve stated that until the overall numbers of bass in the lake depopulate, the bigger bass won’t move to and live in the shallower water. That’s a fact. Well, the depopulation of bass still hasn’t happened…which is extremely rare for a lake that’s going on 12 years since opening. Normally on all other lakes I’ve had fishing operations, the numbers start to decline in years 7 or 8. That’s NOT the case on Picachos. What I have seen different THIS SEASON is the size has really jumped to that next level. Not only have we seen the overall average size of the bass increase, we’ve seen our customers hook and land more bass OVER 7 LBS! Throw in a couple of 10 pound bass this past fall and a dozen in the 9 pound range, and several dozen in the 8 pound class. Couple that with crazy numbers of 125 – 200 bass per day, per boat, with 30% being over 5 pounds and 40% over 4 pounds….well, that’s not a bad day at the bass office. No, not every boat experiences those type of days but these are the AVERAGES since we started the season last October.
The truth about Lake Picachos is that there are big bass in the lake and has been since the beginning. However, and as I’ve stated numerous times in these updates, the majority of those bigger bass (over 7 lbs) will live year round (except during spawn) out deeper and particularly along the deep river ledges. I know…every time I fish Picachos, I find those big bass out there on sonar…and hook many. So you ask why they live out deeper year round? Simple…a bigger/older bass does not want to compete with smaller/faster swimmer bass for food. Therefore if an older/bigger bass can find that magic location for food, oxygen, cover, water temp and less pressure, that’s where they’ll make their home. I’ve seen this on other lakes I’ve had operations on…in the first 5 years especially when there are millions of 1.5 – 3.5 pound bass living in the shallow depths. Once the number of bass declines, meaning, once we start averaging LESS than 100 bass per boat (2 anglers), per day….then the migration of big bass to the shallows takes place. That just hasn’t happened…YET.
So let’s go over what I just stated about those bigger bass living out deeper and especially on deep ledges and river ledges. My dear friend and customer Gary Manos, who is an outstanding fishermen and very versatile, fishes those deeper ledges every time he’s on Picachos. He primarily fishes with a jig, a shaky head jig at that, trailing it with a craw worm or Senko. Gary always finds those bigger bass on ledges that break anywhere from 20 ft to 35 ft…sometimes deeper. This past November Gary and Mike McGowan, another dear friend and longtime customer, were fishing at Picachos for 5 days. Their first 4 days they went for NUMBERS because Mike has always been an action/numbers angler. They had decent numbers of bass up to 6 lbs those first 4 days but for the 5th and final day, Gary was able to convince Mike to go out deeper for the bigger bass. Well, not only did they find those bigger bass out deeper but shockingly caught MORE numbers. Their final day saw Gary land a 10 lbs 2 ounce giant and Mike landed a 8 lbs 10 ounce lunker. Now get this…they landed 18 bass OVER 6 LBS!!!! Their total numbers for the day was 126 bass. Well folks, it doesn’t get much better than that in bass fishing. Gary told me those numbers only represent what they actually put in the boat….and not the ones that got away. Which was A LOT because when fishing those deep river ledges, there is TONS of brush from the tree tops that fell and stacked around the base of those trees along the river ledge. Oh and…Gary said this time he trailed that big shaky head jig with a watermelon/red TRICK WORM!
I mention the deep water big bass to every customer I personally talk with prior to their trip to Picachos BUT very few spend much time offshore…if at all. The few that listened to my advice and told their guide they wanted to try the deep water pattern, found similar success. Cory Elling and Tiny Hare were at Picachos recently and had similar success when one day they landed 50 bass over 5 lbs using a big swim bait. Other days 12 over 5 lbs and 7 over 5 lbs. Each day their big bass was in the 7 lbs class but multiple 7’s each day. As successful as they were this recent trip at finding the bigger bass out deep, it did not compare to their trip to Picachos in April of 2023 when one day they landed 83 bass OVER 5 lbs! That particular day they were throwing a big Swim Bait upon a 25 ft shelf and dragging over the river break/ledge into 40 ft. So the whole point in mentioning the deep water pattern is to let everyone know that there ARE BIG BASS in Picachos. You simply have to fish the right pattern for them. Our guides are conditioned to take our customers to catch numbers…because most or 99% of our customers that choose Lake Picachos, want NUMBERS first and foremost. However, the guides do know where to fish for big fish…you simply have to tell them your desire to fish deeper or for BIGGER bass. Of course most of the time you’re going to sacrifice numbers when fishing deeper, slower and more vertical in that thick brush. But you still have a chance to land 60 – 80 bass in a day fishing deeper. Yeah….”only 60 – 80 bass in a day” HA!
So let’s talk numbers real quick. I’m very reluctant to mention this because it’s truly UNBELIEVABLE…but I would be remiss if I didn’t share. First let me say I believe this fishing report/story 100% because I know this couple. Their names are David and Cindy Bednar. They have fished Picachos with me since BEFORE our first official season of opening the lodge was November 2014. Our first “checkout” groups started in January 2014 before the lodge was completed and we were housing our customers in the village of Puerta de San Marcos. David and Cindy first fished Picachos in March or April (forgive me, I’m old and my memory is not so good) of 2014. I was there with them on their initial trip. David and Cindy are ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS! They don’t care if the bass are small as they just love feeling “the pole bend”…and they admit such. So they fish with us at Picachos 3 different times each season…Fall, Winter and Spring. Each time their goal is to break their previous records with the “most fish in one day” being their main goal. Going in to their most recent trip a month ago (Feb), their all time best numbers in one day was in the high 400’s…like 470 something? Well, that record got shattered the first day of their most recent trip when they landed 503 BASS IN ONE DAY! That’s right…you did not read that wrong. You see, first I know David and Cindy well and they are great honest people. I’ve also been there with them and watched them fish. They “mostly” fish small to medium diving crankbaits in less than 10 ft of water and a lot of the time in 5 ft or less. That’s where TONS of bass live and feed in Picachos. Also, by using crankbaits, they fish faster and cover more water. They each have numerous rods rigged and ready to go so when they get a fish close to the boat and guide pulls it in, they drop the rod and pick up another rod. All I can say is that I’m so thankful I am not a guide for Ron Speed Jr’s Adventures and having to guide for David and Cindy! LOL…I am joking. Well, sorta. LOL. WOW! Talk about earning your pay! Seriously, all of our guides absolutely love David and Cindy and consider them FAMILY. Our staff feels the same. They are part of our family and we love them dearly. Such great folks! Here, if you don’t believe ME, here’s what Cindy posted on Facebook upon returning from Picachos last month…
“Just returned from an absolutely PHENOMENAL trip to beautiful Lake Picachos in Mexico with Ron Speed Jr. Adventures. You know the old saying “Never tell someone more than they will believe” – but this is really the truth, I swear!!
In our 13 ½ days of fishing, we caught 4,291 fish, for an AVERAGE of 318 fish per day!! (and I didn’t even fish in the afternoons for 3 days!). We had one day with over 500 fish, 3 days with over 400 fish, 4 days with over 300 fish, and another 3 days with over 200 fish. It was absolutely incredible! I have heard some naysayers say “oh, that is not possible”! But David and I don’t fish deep water with those monster crankbaits. We are after numbers, so we fish shallow water with mostly medium dive crankbaits, Oldam spinners and Rattletraps. David estimates we each cast and retrieve about 1,800 times in 7 hours of fishing, so surely it is possible to catch that many fish if they are hungry!
The staff at the lake is just incredible as well, and the guides are top notch. Jorge is a terrific manager, and has assembled a great team. They are just amazing, and spoil us rotten when we are there. Javier continues to amaze us with his culinary skills, Humberto and Javi take great care of the boats. The wait staff and kitchen helpers (Valentin, Juan, Victor, Abel and Memo), the housekeepers (Vero!) and all the guides were just terrific.
We just can’t think of enough adjectives to adequately describe how incredible the trip was. Looking forward to our next one in April!” – Cindy Bednar
There you have it, folks. Picachos never ceases to amaze. History says this lake won’t sustain these types of numbers and great fishing forever…even though it is “currently” proving history wrong. So take advantage of this incredible fishing Picachos provides and get there SOON!
All of our boats are XPRESS Boats. Some are 18 ft and some are 17 ft. All have Lowrance sonars up front and each boat is equipped with powerful Minn Kota trolling motors UP FRONT so customers can operate if desired. Also these boats provide TWO fishing decks front and back. They are 100 gauge all-welded aluminum to withstand the rough terrain (rocks and hardwood trees) found in these western Mexico mountain lakes.
Here are those XPRESS Boats ready for blast off at first safe light in the morning! Take a minute to watch….
Yep, not since our first “checkout season” in Summer of 2014 have we kept our operation open during Summer months (July, Aug and Sept) due to that being monsoon season. This year we’re going to stay open during those months as there is still a very good chance to get 8 hours (or more) of fishing each day. A normal day during monsoon season sees the heavy rains at night. The first wave usually arrives late afternoon. However, during that time of year it doesn’t get dark until around 8:30 – 8:45 pm. So many times after that first round of rain hits around 5 pm, it often ends by 6:30 pm and one can get back out and fish another couple of hours. Regardless, we believe you can still get a solid 8 hours of fishing each day. Of course there will always be a day here or there where we see some rain earlier in the day. This is why we have chosen to offer a Summer Discount. The fishing can be incredible and sometimes even better during the rainy season. YOU WILL CATCH BASS! Kids and grandkids out of school for the summer. Great opportunity to treat them to a fishing trip of a lifetime! 🙂
Good fishin’ and God Bless!
Ron Speed, Jr.