Ron’s Fishing Tips and Stories: Mexico Lakes and Camps are Ready!

International Adventures This week is a report on my trip to lake Comedero and lake El Salto in Mexico. I first arrived in Lake El Salto and found the lake level at 100% full of water. After a full inspection of the camp Carlos Lizarraga, the general manager, and I went out late in the afternoon to check out the fishing.We started out with Carolina rigged watermelon zoom lizards in 10 to 12 feet of water. On Carlos’s first cast he hooked a really big bass but he didn’t set the hook hard enough and it came off after he pulled it maybe 3 feet. The very next cast he hooked another big bass and this time he set the hook as hard as he could. The big female came straight up and out of the water shaking her head with gills flared. I hollered at Carlos that he had maybe a 10 or 11 pound fish. She proceeded then to dive straight to the bottom and tried to get into a bush with him. Victor did a great job of helping Carlos using the troller to keep her away from the brush. After a real struggle Victor netted her on his second attempt.

The bass had a huge mouth but she had just spawned out and only weighed 9 lbs. I’ts not normal for the Mexico bass to spawn in October but a few bass spawn all year long. It was getting late so we changed to pop R top waters and caught some fun fish with one going about 4 pounds and lucky Carlos had a huge blow-up but he didn’t get it stuck.

We fished about an hour and had plenty of action but no more big bass, only the 9 lb female which is still a very nice fish. We came back to camp for an early dinner. I checked the trophy board in the restaurant to see who all had caught big fish. The October winner of a free trip with the big bass was Paul Detwiler Jr. from Tyler, Texas. He caught a bass 27 inches long and 20 inches in the girth. Using our formula, the bass weighed 11.6 pounds. Paul will be awarded his next trip free which is a 4 day trip worth $1695. Congratulations to Paul and RSA will also send him a plaque for his accomplishment.

We left the next morning on a 9 hour trip to Lake Huites. I found the camp extremely beautiful and the lake about 110% full. We arrived just in time for my friend Roberto Balderrama’s birthday party and we had lots of fun that night.

The next day we slept in and went fishing right in the middle of the day for maybe 2 hours. Roberto is not an early riser so it was really hot when we got on the lake. We managed to catch some bass but nothing of any size.

The next morning we all went back to Los Mochis for a birthday party and then Carlos and I left for a long trip back to Comedero. Upon arrival at Comedero we found the lake level higher than I had seen it since the fabulous fishing in 2004. We didn’t have time to fish any as I had an airplane to catch but did manage to ride around and look at the lake. The water was very clear, with not a boat on the whole lake. We checked the trophy board and found Eric Myers from Utah was the winner of a free trip with a bass that measured 24 inches by 20inches. Congratulations Eric.

My trip to Mexico was tons of fun with great weather and the camps are in great shape for this season.

Good luck with your fishing and wear that lifejacket!

Check out the packages at the great Mexico bass fishing lakes!

Ron’s Fishing Tips and Stories: Fall Fishing in the South

International Adventures This week let’s talk about Fall fishing for black bass in the southern part of the USA. Fall is my favorite time of the year to fish for bass. The weather is a lot cooler and as a rule there is not a lot of wind or rain.

Most of the lakes don’t have a lot of fishermen as most are in a hunting mode starting with dove season, teal season, followed by archery season for deer, followed by gun season for deer, and of course my favorite pastime of quail hunting.

Fishing public waters in September to the middle of November is like having your own private lake. I also like the Fall because the bass bite almost every day until the cold fronts start to blow down from the North. As the water temps begin to cool down, the blacks begin to move from their summer haunts in deep water back to shallow water where they bite really good. The bass remind me of bears in the Fall as they feed a lot and very often to get ready for the upcoming winter and hibernation for several months.

I prefer to fish the creeks in the Fall and I will use a spinner bait along the banks of the creek to locate the bass. I really enjoy fishing Sam Rayburn Lake in the Fall going up the Angelina River and then fishing the feeder creeks. I like to put my boat in the middle of the creek and then cast a spinner bait to the bank of the creek slow rolling the bait over stumps, logs and any kind of a lay down in 3 to 8 feet of water.

In Texas the Fall usually is a dry period and most of the lakes are 2 to 3 feet below normal pool. This means that you have to use your electronics to find the bait fish which have moved to the creeks and brought their friends with them—the bass. I use this very same pattern to find and locate the bass in dead of winter except I change from a spinner bait to a black & blue 3/8 oz jig with a pork trailer.

The bass are not the only fish that migrate to the creeks in the Fall as this is a great time to catch crappie in shallow water. I have several brush piles in 15 to 20 feet of water in Cedar Creek Lake. Well, the crappie left my piles around the first of October and are now around boat docks that have brush in 4 to 8 feet of water.

I personally don’t enjoy fishing boat houses but they are an excellent place to catch blacks in the Fall or really most of the year if you enjoy fishing these structures. You need to be fairly proficient in casting up under the docks, especially in the summer when the sun is bright and the bass seek the shade.

This concludes this week’s tips. There won’t be a blog post or e-mail next week as I am going to Lake El Salto and Lake Comedero in Mexico. Denny Brauer takes a group of friends to Salto every year in October and they just left after having great fishing. They had many bass over 10 lb. and I really need some of that action!

Good luck with your fishing and wear that lifejacket!

There’s always more to learn about fishing!

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