[Editor: this article first appeared on www.ronsfishingblog and may only be used by permission of Ron Speed]
Two Great Times of Year For USA Fishing
There are two great times of the year to bass fish here in the USA. One time is the spring of the year when the bass move into shallow water to spawn. During this time, the bass will hit most any kind of lure either to feed or to protect the nest and eggs or fry. The one negative for fishermen this time of the year is the weather, mainly the wind that comes in the spring. It can be somewhat dangerous if you venture into open water with waves too big for your boat. Also since this is a drastic change in seasons, most states still have cold fronts that seem to come every weekend like clock work. The bass will yo-yo from shallow to deep water until the water maintains a constant temperature above 60 degrees.
The other time of the year that is great to bass fish is late fall. You don’t have the high wind to contend with and the temperatures are usually great. Also there are not too many boats on the lakes this time of the year as most fishermen are dove hunting, taking kids to school, or getting ready for deer season. Most rods and reels have been stored and won’t be used again until next spring.
But the bass are moving from deep summer patterns into the creeks to feed up for the long cold winter. These bass also will bite almost anything that moves. Just find some clear water creeks, go to the mouth of these creeks, and fish a spinner bait on the major point or just inside the creek on the first secondary point. If you don’t hit gold on these points then get into the creek bed itself and start fishing the sides of the creek also using a locator bait like the spinner. Once you locate the bass then you can switch baits to better suit the situation. It’s a great time to bass fish!
Mexico Update
I can tell you that you haven’t heard anything about violence or swine flu or anything negative. The reason is that nothing is going on now just like nothing was going on last March as I reported to all of you. The USA state department did the country of Mexico a great injustice when they issued a travel advisory for the whole country of Mexico. Then three weeks later they amended the advisory to say WE DIDN’T MEAN THE WHOLE COUNTRY OF MEXICO. That’s not what they said in the beginning and it absolutely crushed the economy of Mexico. The only violence in March was in the city of Juarez across from El Paso, Texas. The drug gangs were killing off each other in a turf war and 99.999 % of all those killed were drug guys and police fighting these drug guys. No Americans were killed and my info says no innocent people were killed. The soldiers moved in and in a short time the war was over. However, our media did not report a follow up saying everything was calm. That just doesn’t make good headlines.
I sent my oldest son, Johnny, to Lake Salto last March knowing 100% that it was safe but it was hard to convince others as we have become used to the idea that our media and our government always tell us the truth. I do say that most of the time I too believe them but this time they all got it wrong.
What about the swine flu outbreak in Mexico? I visited Mazatlan in August and I asked Carlos how many cases of swine flu were reported in Mazatlan. To my surprise, he said “None.” Okay, how many cases of swine flu have been reported in the state of Sinaloa? He replied, “One (1) case and no deaths.” I told him we had had hundreds of cases of swine flu in Dallas alone and joked that he should not come to Dallas any time soon.
Last week my two grandsons who attend Corsicana schools both were hit with swine flu. Mark, the youngest (10 yrs) got sick on Sunday. He got a shot of Tamiflu on Monday and was feeling great by Thursday but couldn’t go back to school until today due to school rules. My oldest grandson, Matt (17) got sick with the swine flu on Monday but never told anyone so he could keep playing football. He is the starting middle linebacker on defense and was captain of the team and he didn’t want to miss practice or the game. The team had already lost several players the week before due to swine flu and Matt just refused to miss so he just kept quiet.
Now with all this info to set the record straight what do you think about all the hoopla we were fed last March and April by the media and the State Department? Time sure has a way of letting us see things much more clearly as the truth will finally come out given enough time.
Next up will be some pretty exciting stuff about our camp on El Salto. Would you believe a jacuzzi, massage room, tackle store, a huge new outdoor bar, TV in every room, and a new fleet of boats?! Stay tuned for these exciting news flashes.