Mexico Fall 2014 Update

[Editor: this article first appeared on www.ronsfishingblog and may only be used by permission of Ron Speed Jr.]


Best bass fishing boats outfitter in Mexico on Lake El Salto and PicachosThat’s right…our new fleet of Xpress Bass boats have arrived and are ready to go! These boats are, in our opinion, THE BEST bass boats in all of Mexico for fly bass lodge operations! Let me tell you a little about them…these boats, like our last fleet of Xpress boats we’ve been using at our El Salto fishing operation, are all welded and 100 gauge aluminum. These boats are made to take on rough water, which as many of you know, those afternoon Pacific winds can create some pretty rough waves at times. These boats absorb the pounding instead of the passenger. Lake Picachos Lodge on the waterfront with XPress bass boatsThese Xpress boats are 17.5′ in length and provide two huge fishing decks for two anglers. Our new boats are equipped with Yamaha 60 HP/4-stroke outboard engines. The best on the market! They purr like kittens! Each boat is also equipped with Lowrance sonars…one on the driver console that has down-scan imaging as well as one on the front deck for keeping up with the depth of water you’re fishing. Also, we decided to go with Minn Kota trolling motors this time…the best model of troller they make…the 70 Pro with 24 volt operating system. Xpress knows how to make a first class boat and they are THE BEST when it comes to building all welded aluminum fishing boats! We absolutely love our Xpress boats we’ve been running on El Salto the past 6 years and it only made sense to stay with THE BEST! Our customers that have already fished out of these boats in Oct/Nov, have been raving about them. We’re kinda proud of them as well.

New Xpress bass boats on Lake Picachos in MexicoWe already offered the largest and nicest lodge on Picachos, with the very best food, service, guides and boats. Now the boats just got nicer! Call us today to reserve your chance to come experience all the great things Ron Speed Jr’s Adventures has to offer you at Mexico’s newest and hottest bass lake…PICACHOS!


Lake El Salto monsterLet’s talk Lake El Salto first…The monsoon season this past summer brought tons of rain to both El Salto and Lake Picachos! So much that the water was running over the dam by September. In years past when the lake filled full of water before October, it generally was a very, very good fishing season. I believe this fishing season will be no different. First we need the water temperature in the shallows to cool down so more bass, particularly the bigger bass, will move from deep to shallow water. This “normally” happens in late November/early December when the nights begin to cool down. This year it is needed even more because of the numerous hurricanes and tropical storms that have invaded the west coast of Mexico and dumped a lot of warm to hot water in the lakes. It has indeed been a very active hurricane season (Sept – Nov) in western Mexico but I believe we “should” be out of the woods as of this writing. Our groups that have fished El Salto thus far have reported better size than last season and fantastic topwater fishing at times! The only thing that is somewhat down from last season are the overall numbers…but that again is mainly due to the numerous hurricanes/tropical storms that have hit the lake recently and the surface temperature being very warm. The nights are already starting to cool down and by the end of this month and early December, we should see the numbers pick up! The size is already outstanding with a lot of bass over 8 pounds already and enough 10 pound+ bass to makes us believe this is going to be one of those “Magical Years”…we’ve seen this before in past years when the lake filled. We’re VERY excited! You should be as well! Come experience it with us. Lupe is already in mid-season form with his singing. So I guess he’s excited too.

Lake Picachos Jimmy Houston monster bassLake Picachos…I think we’ve used every adjective in the English language to describe this lake in past updates, yet we’re still searching for more. What more can I tell you about this lake that I haven’t already? Well, let’s revisit…Picachos is Mexico’s newest bass factory. It is located only 45 – 50 minutes out of Mazatlan. The easiest accessible lake we’ve ever operated on in Mexico! The lake, while producing a ton of bass (some boats have landed over 200 bass in a day) in the 2 – 4 pound class, has already produced a lake record of 12 pounds, 4 ounces…and two bass of 12 pounds that we for certain know of and weighed. In my July/Summer Update, I mentioned Jimmy Houston landing two giant hawgs of 11 and 12 pounds…both captured on film so you will have the opportunity to watch these Picachos battles. Of all the “new” lakes I have fished in Mexico the past 40 years to include Guerrero, Comedero, El Salto and Huites, this lake, Picachos, has more big bass in excess of 7 pounds than all those others when they were new and first opened. Yes, we landed bass in excess of 10 pounds at El Salto when it first opened in 1990, but it was more feast or famine in those early years…not many 4 – 8 pounders. Of course over the years it has balanced out and now is a tremendous trophy bass lake that also produced numerous middle size fish…but not when it was new…not like Picachos! Yes, I do believe the majority of the bass one will catch at Picachos this first full season will be in the 2 – 4 pound category, because there are so many of that size in the lake…many more of that size than all other sizes. That said, make no mistake about it, this past year we proved that there is a good population of much bigger bass in the lake. As they say, “timing is everything”…and it will apply to Picachos this season for sure. Still, just to make sure we provide our customers with every opportunity to get the best of both worlds during your fishing trip of a lifetime, we’re offering “COMBO” packages for both El Salto and Picachos. This will allow our customers to fish both lakes during the same trip as the two lakes are only 1 hour, 40 minutes apart.

We were the first operation on the lake and have been training these new guides since last January. As many of you who have fished new lakes in Mexico in past years know, guides get better with “time on the water”…there really are no shortcuts to this fact. We are still training more and more guides but ALL have already learned BOATING SAFETY FIRST as that is TOP PRIORITY with Ron Speed Jr’s Adventures…always will be. The fact is, great fishing can overshadow inexperience fish finding skills…but great fishing cannot overshadow boating safety. My father, a pioneer in this business for 43 years, taught me this FACT a long, long time ago. SAFETY FIRST!

Lake Picachos Fishing Lodge comfortable accommodationsI cannot mention the great fishing at Lake Picachos without mentioning our beautiful lodge, food and service. The lodge is located right at the water’s edge with the best view of the main lake. Right now while the water level is high (full), you can walk 30 steps from our restaurant and be inside your new Xpress bass boat! This lodge will accommodate up to 36 people at a time and consists of two different styles of houses for your comfort level. The 10 main houses at the top of the bluff overlooking the lake provide two single bedrooms, shower bath, living room with sofa, kitchen w/mini bar refrigerators and HUGE porches with large comfortable rocking chairs! The second series of houses are located just below Modern accommodations at Lake Picachos fishing lodgethe 10 main houses up top and they are designed more for the “couples” with each house offering two spacious individual yet double bed rooms, shower bath and huge porch with rocking chairs. All rooms in ALL HOUSES offer “freeze you out” air conditioning units. The restaurant, located just below the two groups of houses, is HUGE…and can accommodate up to 75 people for dining! We have a large big screen television in there for your viewing pleasure. The lodge also offers internet/wifi for those who can’t be without contact with home and business during your stay. Also, there is cell signal at the lodge for those who want to call home. You do need to call your cell service provider to have international calling/texting if you do not have it already.

Great food for bass fishermen at Lake Picachos LodgeOur dinner menu is second-to-none and offers the best 1 1/4″ thick ribeye steaks that money can buy! You’ll also experience a seafood feast one night with fresh shrimp prepared 3 different ways as well as Lobster that same night! Then…you can’t go to Mexico without experiencing the best local Mexican cuisine during your stay. Our lunches consists of fresh fried fish fillets, huge Angus burgers and beef franks prepared on the grill. Breakfast offers scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, biscuits, toast and assorted fresh fruits! We promise, you will not leave hungry…and don’t get any ideas that you’re going to lose weight during your stay! It’s just not happening…not on our watch! Last…we offer free laundry service at both of our lodges and therefore no need to bring a lot of clothes. Coming soon (this season), we will also have a mini lure shop for our customers who run short of a particular lure or should the airlines fail to get your tackle bag to Mazatlan. We know this can and does happen to a few unlucky customers each year. Well, no need to sweat over it when you fish with us. We’ve got you covered!

Come experience the two hottest bass lakes in Mexico…if not the world! CALL OUR OFFICE TODAY!!!


Deer-BlindsIt’s hunting season, folks! Many of you know me as just a bass fisherman but make no mistake about it, I have been a lifelong avid hunter as well. I take my deer, dove, spring turkey and quail hunting serious! I am very particular about my deer blinds and feeders. I want to share with you some of the best blinds and feeders on the market…Texas Lookout Tower Blinds! Whether you prefer single man or double blinds, they make all. These blinds and feeders are not cheaply made. My friends over at Texas Lookout go the extra mile and build these to last many many years…using extra heavy duty materials! For more information about their hunting products, contact Tony Warren (owner) at903-257-5548 OR 903-874-1144. You can also visit their website at You can mention my name…or not mention my name. Just make sure you call and inquire TODAY! You’ll be glad you did!


Logic-LuresI have fished for bass for 40+ years. I have fished professionally and been sponsored by some of the best tackle manufactures in the world. I want to introduce you to two lure companies that have caught my attention recently. Both make THE BEST soft plastics for bass that I have ever fished! That’s saying something because I have fished literally hundreds if not thousands of various soft plastics during my life. These two top my list for preferred plastic lures for bass fishing! Whether you’re fishing with us at El Salto or Picachos, or fishing on your local lake at home, these lures will catch bass! Bar none! RageTailI strongly recommend you contact your nearest dealer for both products. In the meantime, you can visit their webpages and take a look at their line of products. Logic Lures: / Contact: 888-944-4539 / . For Rage Tail: My good friend Steve “Big O” Parks is the owner/founder of Rage Tail and is a master at making some of the best bass lures on the market. He’s also one of the best anglers in the world!


Good fishin’,
Ron Speed, Jr.

September Brazil & Mexico Update

[Editor: this article first appeared on www.ronsfishingblog and may only be used by permission of Ron Speed Jr.]

Brazil Peacock Bass Season Begins!

Amazon Peacock Bass fishingOur first group is in Brazil now and the numbers and size reports are already outstanding! The water is up approximately 2′ from where it was this time a year ago and falling approximately 6″ per day. The water level is not too high, not too low…almost perfect based upon the time and start of our first group. Of course we fish a different area of the Amazon than most during September/October and this area, as I’ve mentioned many times in past updates, is always falling during Sept/Oct…and that’s very important for having consistently great fishing! This year appears to be no different as our first group is catching A LOT of peacocks and great size as well. Call us today to get in on the fishing while it’s hot THIS season!

Book A Brazil Trip THIS Season and earn 50% off New Lake Picachos, Mexico!!!

Gear for Peacock Bass Fishing in BrazilThat’s right folks…if you book a trip with RSJA to Brazil for peacock bass fishing THIS season, you will earn a 50% discount off one of our 3 or 4 days fishing packages to fabulous NEW Lake Picachos in Mexico! The 50% discount off Lake Picachos will be good until July 15, 2015 (the end of this season). If you are unable to take the trip to Picachos this season, you will not totally lose out on a discount as you can take the trip during the Fall 2015 through Summer 2016 season at 25% off! Either way, it’s a WIN-WIN deal and allows you the opportunity to experience both the exciting and powerful peacock bass and the incredible new bass factory in Mexico…Lake Picachos! These are the two best fishing trips going in the outdoors right now…the best you’ll find anywhere in the world! Don’t miss out on this RARE opportunity!!!

Fly Fishing For Peacock Bass In The Amazon!!!

Fly Fishing for Peacock Bass in BrazilFor you fly fishing enthusiasts, you are missing out on the most exciting fishing you’ll ever experience if you have yet to try it on the mighty peacock bass of the Amazon! We have several groups each year that fly fish with us in the Amazon. One of those big fly fishing groups have been fishing with us every year for the past 12 years! Every trip they catch tons of peacocks on their fly tackle. Our guides are well groomed for the fly fishermen as they’ve had many many years of experience accommodating both baitcast Experienced Fly Fishing Guides Brazil PeacockAND fly fishing anglers! No need to go “roughing it” or staying on slow moving floating operations in order to get great peacock bass fishing on fly tackle! You can get the best of both worlds while aboard the 5-star Amazon Otter Mothership. We cover a lot of water in a short time if needed. Call us today and we’ll give you some great fly fishing references who continue to fish every year with RSJA and the luxurious Amazon Otter!

Peacock Bass Fishing in the Amazon

Amazon Otter Operation Offers THE BEST Guides in the Amazon!!!

Guides for fishing in the AmazonNo other operation for sportfishing and peacock bass has more years of experience than we do in the Amazon…NOBODY! Our guides are by far the most experienced in the Amazon. Half of our guides have been with us the entire 22 years since this operation began…the other half of our guides have at least 12 years of experience. That folks is what we call an “A-TEAM” of guides! This is important not just for putting our customers on lots of big peacock bass but also, and even more important, for SAFETY! These guides are well experienced at operating these Triton Bass Boats and know the various rivers and tributaries better than anyone! The Amazon Otter Peacock Bass Fishing houseboat in BrazilThey are experts at tuning the blades on the giant propelled topwater lures as well as knowing how to tie the best knots for lures. They work constantly all day to serve you and keep you in the best fishing spots! We place a lot of emphasis on hiring and keeping the best guides! Truth be known, the guide holds the key to your success as well as ours. We know we can offer the best of accommodations, food and service of anyone but if you don’t catch fish or fishing does not meet your expectations, then there’s a good chance we won’t get you to come back. So we make sure we have the best guide team possible…both in Brazil and Mexico! Keep this in mind when booking your next peacock bass adventures to the Amazon Basin and/or Mexico Bass Fishing adventure!!!

Big Fish Contest Each Month in Brazil and Mexico!!!

Bass Fishing contest Mexico and BrazilRSJA will have a big fish of the month contest at both of our lakes in Mexico (El Salto & Picachos) as well as in Brazil for our peacock bass fishing groups! In Brazil…whichever RSJA customer that lands the biggest fish in each month during the season will earn a free peacock bass trip/package the following season. In Mexico, whichever RSJA customer that lands the biggest fish in each month at El Salto, will earn a free fishing trip back to El Salto the following year. Same at Lake Picachos. Someone will win in each month and it might as well be YOU!!! Come enjoy the great fishing in both Brazil and Mexico while possibly earning a free return trip the following season!

New Lake Picachos, Mexico…Season Begins in October!!!

4Picachos lodge houses June 2014 IIFor those of you who subscribe to this blog/newsletter, you’ve probably read plenty of updates I’ve sent out this year on our new bass lake in Mexico…fabulous Lake Picachos! We have great news coming in our next update in a couple of weeks but in the meantime, know that we were the very first operation on the lake. We also have the largest and nicest facilities ON THE WATER offering individual Air Conditioned Bedrooms, Bathroom, Living room, And Kitchen with mini refrigerators as well as the best bass boats in Mexico…and the most experienced guides and staff on the lake. See above our thoughts on the importance of having experienced guides for fishing AND SAFETY! We also offer free laundry service, Internet and use of top-of-the-line fishing rods so you do not have to lug those BIG oversized rod cases all over Mexico. Starting this season (Oct.) We will also have a mini-tackle shop. We also offer the very best menu and food that you’ll find anywhere in the world for fish camps/lodges! Legendary Pro Angler Jimmy Houston visited Picachos and our lodge in June. Jimmy claims “This is the best food of any fishing camp or lodge I’ve been to and I’ve been to many all over the world for the past 40 years!” That pretty much says it all, folks! From the legend himself!

Best Bass Fishing Equipment in Mexico

One last thing before our next update in a couple of weeks…our “best bass boats in Mexico”…well, they just got even better! More on that in a few weeks!


Good fishin’,
Ron Speed, Jr.

Amazon Clipper sunset

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