[Editor: this article first appeared on www.ronsfishingblog and may only be used by permission of Ron Speed Jr.]

Comedero view from dam Oct 2019.
It’s that time, anglers! The monsoon season is pretty much in our rear view mirror now with only a slight possibility of a hurricane or tropical storm between now and the first of November. Therefore, the lake levels are what they are now…but again, barring a tropical storm occurring in the next couple of weeks. As of today, Lake Picachos has been full for a few weeks and should remain that way until at least the end of October. El Salto is currently at 64% and Comedero at 49%. What does water levels mean in terms of the fishing this season? Well, everyone has their opinions but based upon my 33 years in this business and fishing these western Mexico mountain lakes, it doesn’t significantly impact the fishing during OUR fishing season…meaning I don’t see a major difference as to how deep or shallow the bass go based upon water levels. I do prefer to start the season (coming out of rainy season in late October) with at least 70% water level as that keeps me from stressing about low oxygen in the last 2 months (May/June) of the dry season…BUT in terms of the fishing during our primary fishing season (Nov – April/May), I don’t see much difference either way.

Picachos Sept 2019 lake is full!! Water up to steps of restaurant!!
There is a lot of fresh green vegetation in the water along and near the shorelines right now. The bait fish are up there by the millions feeding on the new algae growth on that vegetation, and….well….yes, the bass are up there gorging themselves on the millions of Tilapia and shad! The bass are scattered when this occurs but it’s a spinnerbait and topwater angler’s dream! Once the nights begin to cool sometime in November, there will be even more and more bass move to the shallows! It’s about to get silly…and I can’t wait!!!

El Salto View from RSJA camp Aug, 2019. Water has since risen 8 feet.

From L-R: Lew’s Chairman Lynn Reeves, owner of Oldham Lures Terry Oldham, Ron Speed Jr, & Lew’s Director of product development Bob Brown.

Lew’s Chairman Lynn Reeves with his Comedero Trophy!!
Yes, you read correctly! If you read my June 2019 Update on Picachos, you will remember I mentioned “new additions coming soon”…well, this is ONE of the new additions. Recently it was announced that professional angler and all time money winner in professional bass fishing, Kevin VanDam (better known as KVD), has joined Lew’s…well, KVD isn’t the only one that’s joined. Your favorite International Fishing Outfitter Ron Speed Jr’s Adventures has also jumped on this train. I strongly suggest you do so as well!
Starting this fishing season, we will be providing our valuable customers Lew’s rods to include some of their top of the line models! Last March I had the honor and opportunity to fish with “The Godfather” himself, Lynn Reeves (Chairman of Lew’s) as well as Bob Brown (Director of Product Development for Lew’s) at fabulous Lake Comedero! I can tell you that not only are these two gentlemen great anglers but even better PEOPLE! I just can’t say enough great things about these two fine men and their character. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to fish with some of their Lew’s rods…and WOW! I was amazed at how light these rods were but the quality and attention to every little detail that went into the design and construction of these rods. I love to flip/pitch heavy cover for big bass…and love a good stiff long handled rod for “horsing” those big girls out of that thick cover. I experienced that when Bob let me try out the new SuperGrip SGBPS 7′ 6″ Heavy/Big Pitchin’ Stick. It was definitely built for heavy cover flipping/pitching but extra light as well! We will have this rod along with many of Lew’s other fantastic models in all three of our lake/lodges this season! Back to that new SuperGrip handle…I LOVE IT!!! Those of you who do the rod handle “wraps” or tennis handle type wraps, well….forget that! This new SuperGrip handle will definitely make you forget about doing such in the future. Their full length Winn Dri-Tac grip offers effortless castability…and the flat top design and larger diameter gives you total control when setting the hook and fighting the fish. Furthermore, the larger diameter grip prevents hand fatigue and allows the angler ALL DAY COMFORT!!!

Also, these new Lew’s SuperGrip rods offer their new Lew’s exclusive VTR System (Vibration Transfer Ring)….and what that does is it provides direct contact with the “blank”, transferring vibration directly to your hands! Sending vibration from the blank directly through the VTR for extreme sensitivity and prevents any deadening from the grip. The VTR System allows you to detect even the slightest of bites! You’re absolutely going to love these new Lew’s Rods at all of our fishing operations….both in Mexico and Brazil (for peacock bass). The new Lew’s Rods are already in all three lakes/lodges of RSJA in Mexico and waiting for your arrival. The new Lew’s Rods for Brazil will be available for our peacock bass fishermen this coming January! Please visit Lew’s website to explore all of their products they offer….reels, rods…both inshore and offshore products! You’ll be glad you took the time! www.lews.com
Ron Speed Jr’s Adventures proves again that we are committed to offering you the very best fishing experience to include fishing, lodging, meals, boats (Xpress Boats), fishing equipment (Lew’s) and overall the very best services. Two of the leaders or giants in this fishing industry have now joined forces…and you, our valuable customers, will reap the benefits of this new partnership!!!

Well, if the new rods didn’t just reach out and grab ya, how ’bout a new air conditioned restaurant at Picachos? Again, more from that June Update where I mentioned new additions coming in the future. Yes, folks…we’re building a new restaurant for all of our Picachos anglers to enjoy those thick juicy 1 1/4 inch PRIME CUT ribeye steaks…as well the big fresh tasty shrimp and lobster…or to just sit and mingle with friends while having a nice cocktail from the NEW BAR that will be in this new restaurant. You’ll also be able to watch your favorite sports team play on our new big screen tv inside the new bar/restaurant. Yes, the new restaurant will be closed in so as to add air conditioning and cool/comfortable environment but it will offer glass windows so you don’t lose that magnificent and scenic view of beautiful Lake Picachos!

The new restaurant is still under construction but as of this writing, the construction is about 80% complete and “should” be finished no later than November 1st…of course barring something unforeseen such as a major hurricane. Ssshhh, Ron Jr…ya doofus! No jinxes!!!! Seriously, everything “currently” is going according to plan and our first group of the season should be able to experience the new restaurant facility! We hope you’ll come enjoy the great fishing of Picachos as well as this new restaurant and our first class facilities/services!!! FIRST. CLASS.


Frank Rose with his Lake El Salto GIANT!!!
Let’s start with El Salto… last season was a rollercoaster ride in terms of the fishing. It was very inconsistent in that it started off very slow last fall (Oct/Nov), picked up a little in December, then back down near the end of December or right after our Christmas break. Then the full moon and spawn occurred around the 3rd week of January, which always means big sow bass more shallow…and for sure the fishing was fantastic. However, instead of the great fishing continuing from there with the February group of spawn bass moving in or staging for their spawn, it just didn’t happen. The numbers stayed below average (average is 40 – 50 bass per boat, per day on El Salto) and there were not many big bass over 7 lbs landed from late January through February. Then we had some bass spawn on the full moon in March and naturally the numbers went up above average but still not too many big fish over 7 lbs boated. Quite honestly I was scratching my head as to why the up and down and inconsistent numbers and size? This continued on through April….but THAT is where the inconsistency stopped and the better than average numbers returned in early May as did the big bass of 8 lbs and larger! Every customer group we had fish with us at El Salto after May 1st and through late July (last group) experienced good to great fishing at El Salto…both in numbers and size. Therefore, I knew that the bass were still in there…and not that I ever had any doubt. Let’s just chalk last season (as a whole) to be “one of those years” that we get every so often or every 5 – 7 years. Not all was bad…but certainly not all was good. Just “inconsistent” is the best way to describe the overall fishing last season. I fully expect the fishing to return to consistently good…and soon. Hopefully that will be this season! If the last 3 months of last fishing season is any indication, then I expect it to be great THIS SEASON!

Justice Wade showing off one of his Picachos TOADS!!!
Now on to Picachos… well, what else is there left to say about this incredible fishery? If you missed my June 2019 Update, you really should go read it. I reported of how the big bass are really starting to show up in Picachos and the overall average size increasing every year. All of this happening without loss of daily numbers as the action and catches are still way north of 100 bass per boat, per day…at least on average. Now it is not out of the realm of possibilities to go to Picachos and hook or catch a bass or multiple bass of 8 lbs or larger! You won’t get me to declare it a trophy bass lake yet but just know we’re getting closer and THIS SEASON could get me to go ahead and declare such. One thing is for certain, you won’t find a better lake in the world that produces more numbers of bass and still have a chance at landing a bass 8 lbs and larger! Throw in the fact that it’s the easiest lake in western Mexico to access as it’s only a 50 minute drive from the Mazatlan Airport to our big nice beautiful lakeside lodge! This trip is so easy and yet offers so many rewards for the avid bass angler! It would be rare for anyone to leave Picachos disappointed…and I’ve never had anyone call or message me upon returning from Picachos to express disappointment with the fishing. It’s just one of those “money in the bank” lakes…even though there are slow days like at every lake…but a slow day on Picachos is a mere 60 bass per boat in one day. Oh no…what a slow day! [sarcasm alert]. Picachos has already made headlines for the past 5 years but nothing like what is coming over the next 5 – 10 years! Barring anything unforeseen with Mother Nature or an act of God, I truly believe Picachos will go down as one of the best lakes ever….and that’s in the world. Same as Guerrero made it’s name over 40 years ago. Well, I believe Picachos to be in that same conversation for many years to come. If you have yet to fish it, you need to…while it’s still HOT! Come enjoy all that we have to offer at Picachos with the biggest and nicest facility on the lake as well as the best food, service, bass boats (Xpress Boats) and most experienced fishing guides! Oh and did I mention we’ll be offering new Lew’s Rods for all our customers this season? See above.

Ed Lewis with one of the many Comedero TROPHYS he has landed.
Finally let’s talk BIG BASS at beautiful Lake Comedero… If you missed my July 2019 Comedero Update, then you owe it to yourself to go take a read! That is if you like reading about a lot of giant bass being caught and many on TOPWATER LURES!!! In terms of the best opportunity at bass over 10 lbs, Lake Comedero is by far the best in my opinion. In terms of big bass on topwater, then there is absolutely NO DOUBT that Comedero is the best! Last season was “different” in that we didn’t find as many of those “wolfpacks” bunched up on those ledges and humps as we had found in previous years. However, not all was lost because that just meant more big bass stayed closer to the shore last season that previous seasons…meaning, it was a fantastic year for big bass caught on topwater! Again, go read my July 2019 Update and you’ll see where Shana Koonsman and her father John Billy fished all week with nothing but a KVD Splash topwater and landed bass of 11 lbs, 2 of 10 lbs and too many to keep count of 7 – 9 lbs! Also, for those that like to fish Senkos and Big Flukes, go read about all the giant bass that J. W. Peterson and his groups caught over the course of 2 weeks using those two soft plastics! J. W. landed a goliath 13 lbs bass and that wasn’t even his biggest ever on Comedero…but he was ecstatic nonetheless! This lake never ceases to amaze me when I hear, read and even experience for myself all the big bass that are landed each day at this amazing lake! Combine that great trophy fishing with the breathtaking beauty of this lake…nestled high in the beautiful Sierra Madre Mountains! It’s like a majestic painting…every day! Also, Comedero is a very big lake and with very little fishing pressure. I love not having so much “traffic” on a lake and being able to fish just about anywhere I desire and not have to wait my turn. THAT IS COMEDERO!!!!
If you read my past two updates in June and July, you will know that Comedero and Picachos are almost full… but don’t let that stop you from calling us as we still have a few “gaps” here and there and also started a “wait list” on many dates throughout the season. Most of the time those on the wait list will clear as there will always be groups cancel or move to different dates. You still have time if you’re fairly flexible on dates you can go…but you MUST CALL SOON!
Also, just a reminder that we will once again offer the 2 for 1 at Picachos for bringing immediate family members. This was such a HUGE HIT for our customers last season and I’ve decided to offer it again…but only for March (Spring Break time) and May/June (end of school year). If you want to take advantage of this tremendous cost saving opportunity, then you MUST CALL NOW! Don’t assume the space will remain available because it won’t…and in fact, a lot of the March space is already gone…not totally but many dates are definitely gone! CALL US SOON!!!
Call us today: 800-722-0006