Mexico Newsletter: Comedero
[Editor: this article first appeared on www.ronsfishingblog and may only be used by permission of Ron Speed Jr.]

Paul Kirk with one of his 4 Comedero bass over 10lbs caught on topwater lures !! (click to view bigger)
Read that again…BIG BASS ON TOPWATER ALL DAY LONG! That is no fish story, folks. This is what’s been happening on Lake Comedero for most of this season! This is not just small fish but rather BIG BIG BASS….over 10 lbs BIG BASS! It’s not just one topwater lure either but a variety of topwater lures such as KVD Splash, Storm Chug Bug (saltwater size is best), Whopper Ploppers (big and small), Pop-R and Zara Spook….but….but….the best has been Yellow Magic…which is a popper or chug type of topwater. I am not convinced it is the best but it’s certainly the favorite among our fishermen and therefore has produced more big bass this season than any other topwater lure.
Back in February, I was at Comedero for about 10 days. My longtime friends Jimmy Smith and Paul Kirk arrived to fish 4 days on Comedero. Paul had never fished Comedero prior to this trip…but Jimmy had fished it many times but not in the past 15 years. Boy were these guys in for a treat! Both Jimmy and Paul are outstanding bass anglers…very seasoned and can fish any lure and any pattern known to man. When they arrived, they asked me about the fishing …particularly about the topwater action? I told them it was the best I’ve seen in years….maybe ever?

Paul Kirk shows off another one of his four Comedero Monsters over 10lbs …Yes on a topwater!! (click to view bigger)
These guys had brought every lure in the tackle store…but after that first morning of topwater fishing, the Yellow Magic topwater, they never laid it down the rest of the day….the rest of the trip. That’s right…no lie…no fish story…they fished Yellow Magic topwater all day, every day, for 4 straight days! So what did they catch in those 4 days of topwater fishing? Together they landed 76 bass over 7 lbs…Paul had the hotter hand on the “BIGGER” bass as he landed one bass of 11 lbs and 3 of 10 lbs! Jimmy’s biggest was just shy of 9 lbs but he landed a lot of bass in the 7 and 8 pound class! These are the big bass numbers they put in the boat and weighed….not all of the big bass they had on and lost or blew up on their topwater lures! Folks, that’s some serious topwater action…and quite frankly, I don’t think it could get much better! Paul told me, “Ron Jr, this is the best bass lake I’ve ever fished…and it’s not even close!” Paul will be back this next season and is talking about making multiple trips in the same season!

Jimmy Smith with one of his many Comedero Giants caught on Yellow Magic topwaters! (click to view bigger)
Jimmy had experienced the great big bass action on Comedero years ago but told me “I’m 64 years old, been bass fishing for almost 60 years…45 of those years on various lakes in Mexico…and THIS TRIP WAS THE BEST BASS FISHING I’VE EVER EXPERIENCED!” …That is saying more than a lot as Jimmy is not only a very seasoned bass angler but also a top fishing guide in east Texas! Here’s another remarkable thing about Paul and Jimmy’s unbelievable topwater big bass experience….they would stop fishing every day at 4:30 to come back to camp and relax and enjoy a few “cocktails” before dinner. At that time, sunset was happening around 5:40 pm…and last safe light to fish before heading in was around 6:10 pm. This means that Paul and Jimmy gave up 1 1/2 hours of fishing…and probably the best 1 1/2 hours of fishing as that last hour or so of the day is generally the best! I can only imagine what their numbers of big bass on topwater would have been if they had fished a “full day”…??? Oh well, it was more than impressive enough as it stands!

Paul Kirk with another one of his 4 GIANT Comedero topwater bass over 10lbs!! (click to view bigger)
This was not just a one time, one 4 day period of great topwater big bass action. Nope…this has been happening all season long…at least for those that “choose” to fish topwater all day. Many do not because 1) Some prefer to fish other types of lures….2) Some love topwater the most but have it in their minds that topwater action is only good early in the morning and late afternoon. Well, that has not been the case on Comedero this season. Time and time again, I would receive calls from customers upon returning from Comedero, letting me know how great the big bass action on topwater was for them. Then time and time again, the big bass of a group would be caught on topwater! My last trip to Comedero was in late March with 16 anglers (full camp)…and there were some rather salty bass anglers on this trip, to include Rage Tail owner/pro anglers Steve “Big O” Parks and Mr. Jig/Spinnerbait pro angler Terry Oldham. Add me as I’ve fished professionally in years past…with success…but more importantly, I’ve fished Comedero for 31 years…know the lake better than anyone! Yet with this kind of bass fishing experience on hand….the biggest bass caught was 11.2 lbs on a bone colored Yellow Magic topwater by Brad Wayland. Brad is a very good fisherman but had only fished the lake once years ago. There were other bass caught in excess of 10 lbs on this trip and many many 8’s and 9’s and on a wide variety of lures such as Oldham spinnerbaits, jigs, soft plastics by Strike King and Rage Tail…but it was a topwater that landed the top biggun! Same story, different trip…but a common theme this season from Comedero! This is absolutely the best big bass lake in the world! This awesome topwater action for big bass proves you do not have to be a seasoned bass angler to catch big bass on Comedero! Just throw a topwater and chug-bloop, chug-bloop it back to the boat! Stop it for a second or two and KABOOM! Fish it all day and you’re likely to get a lot of KABOOMS during your time on Comedero!
Yes, a lake record category was broken recently at Lake Comedero. On February 6th, William Damrath landed a beautiful fat 11 lbs, 3 oz bass on a fly rod while fishing a chartreuse colored streamer. The previous record caught on fly at Comedero was 10 lbs, 8 oz. A bass weighing 11 lbs on any lure or rod is a impressive but to land a bass that big on fly is INCREDIBLE! There are many anglers that have fished for 40 years or longer that have never landed a bass in excess of 10 lbs…on any rod or lure…but to accomplish this with fly rod is simply amazing! Congrats, William…you made the Comedero record book! This is just another example of how great the trophy fishing is at Comedero…like I’ve never seen before….on any lake!
William was fishing in early February at Lake Comedero with a group of 16 headed up by Lake Fork guide, J. W. Peterson. This group experienced an unbelievable week of big bass fishing and William’s 11 lbs, 3 oz fly record wasn’t the largest bass landed that week. Nope, that belongs to J. W. Peterson who caught a 11 lbs 4 oz toad on a bubble gum colored FLUKE! There were also 3 more bass caught that exceeded the 10 lbs barrier! Here are their overall numbers for the week and all of these fish were weighed prior to being released.
This doesn’t even count the number of 5 lbs and 6 lbs bass landed but let’s just say it was A BUNCH! Also, as stated above in the first section of this update, many were landed on TOPWATER LURES! The Yellow Magic was the best but there were also a lot of bass landed on KVD Splash and Whopper Plopper.
This is just giving you the results of one group that fished 4 days. If I gave you every group’s fish catch numbers and results, you would be reading until next month! The fact is, there has been very few days this season that anglers didn’t land big fish over 8 lbs. There has been only two groups or weeks that anglers did not land at least one 10 lbs bass! That’s significant when you consider we run two groups a week….3 day fishing groups and 4 day fishing groups! Simply put, you need to get in on this incredible big bass action while it’s hot! I do not foresee any change or drop off in the big bass catches anytime soon…but the truth is, we never see that coming while the fishing is red hot! Therefore, get there and enjoy it while it’s happening! The current season is still ongoing and we’ll keep fishing until the end of May or into early June! Once the summer monsoon rains begin (sometime in mid to late June), we’ll be done until next November. GET THERE NOW!

Legendary Pro Angler Denny Brauer says COMEDERO WANTS YOU!!!!!
As reported last fall, we gave our camp at Comedero a makeover and new look! All of our customers that have visited us at Comedero this season were amazed at all of the upgrades to the camp and couldn’t believe how much nicer the houses, rooms, bathrooms and restaurant is now. Each house now has 3 very large shower/baths and every room has new air conditioner units. The restaurant was enlarged and now we can serve up to 32 people at one time! The restaurant also has a new home theater sound system that can be used for watching tv or playing your favorite songs through the bluetooth mode. Yes, we have many playlists of various types of music/songs but you are more than welcome to play from your own playlist from your cellular phone. Speaking of cellular phone …for the first time in 31 years of operating our camp at Comedero, we are now able to get cell signal (in the restaurant) and not just be limited to use of satellite phone. As is the case in remote areas in Mexico, we do not get the signal 100% of the time but more times than not, meaning most days/nights, we’re able to pick up a cell signal. Also, we’ve added wifi/internet for the houses. Again, due to remote location, we do not receive internet signal 100% of the time but rather “most” of the time we can get it. This is a major upgrade for many of our customers as most like to e-mail to home or make a quick call to check in with office or family…and not wait for a satellite signal with the sat phone. We have all 3 now and if one is not getting a signal, we have other options now. That’s been a big hit with our valuable customers this season!
Also, we remodeled two more houses that we had not used in over 12 years! We did this so we can now offer our customers the option to stay the last night at the camp after fishing the last day, rather than travel 3 1/2 hours back to Mazatlan that night! These houses are very comfortable, clean and fully air conditioned. EVERYONE loved being able to spend the last night at the camp rather than travel back to Mazatlan after a long day of catching big bass! Come check out the new facilities and upgrades ….oh and more importantly….come experience THE BEST BIG BASS LAKE ON THE PLANET!!!
Last….as you can see, we are constantly coming up with new ideas and implementing new things to make our lodging, food and overall service BETTER! Besides the upgrades to the facilities, we’ve also added a new appetizer to our menu. Mazatlan is the shrimp capital of the world! No other place produces bigger or more tastier shrimp! One night during your stay, as many of you already know, we have a seafood fest night where we offer 3 different style of prepared shrimp on a warm Hibachi. That night we also offer fresh tasty lobster. Well, now we offer for appetizer and served both to your house as well as in the restaurant, giant boiled peel and eat shrimp from Mazatlan! These are served in a “Molcajete” bowl and with delicious seafood cocktail sauce for dipping. No, we haven’t scrapped the tasty nachos that many of you are accustomed to and like so much but we’ve added the fresh peel and eat boiled shrimp to the appetizer menu! Just another new addition to insure you do not leave hungry! In fact, you might want to go on a diet a month or so prior to arriving our camps! Yes, this new appetizer is now served at ALL THREE of our camps…Comedero, El Salto and Picachos!!!
Now then…the word is out, friends! The camp is filling fast. Many dates for next season are GONE! I have decided we will open our camp earlier this next season (early November) as I am convinced the fishing will be tremendous regardless of month or time of year. I went to Comedero last summer (closed for monsoon season at that time) in every month (June, July, Aug)…and then again in latter September, October and November, prior to opening the camp in early December…and every month, every trip, I wrecked those big bass! EVERY MONTH! Again, we will open early November and are currently taking reservations for that month. Get your date NOW if you want an opportunity to enjoy what everyone else is experiencing and talking about! I cannot stress enough the importance to call SOON….TODAY! There are many out there that plan their Mexico bass trips later in the year or early fall, to go after the first of the year….if you do that, you’ll definitely miss out! NOW, FOLKS, NOW!

3 fishing legends (L to R) Denny Brauer, Terry Oldham, & Steve “Big O” Parks enjoy a moment together at Comedero!
Oh by the way…we still have one month left in THIS SEASON before we close for the upcoming monsoon season (late June – Sept/Oct). That’s right…there is still room left in May. I’m going….hope to see you down there!
Friends, you MUST watch this video that was filmed on Lake Comedero last December by Googan Squad member Andrew Flair while fishing with pro angler Denny Brauer. If watching this video doesn’t make you want to go fish Comedero, then nothing else will either. Andrew went to Comedero in December for the first time and needed a bass on the high side of 8 lbs to break his all time personal best (P.B.) big bass. He didn’t just break it once but twice! However, it was all the “other” big bass he and Denny landed just in that one day of fishing/filming that will knock your socks off! If you read my last Comedero update in January, you will remember the update was about the popular YouTube boys known as “The Googan Squad” and their amazing trip to Comedero last December. Go watch this video NOW! It’s a MUST SEE!!!
Call us today:800-722-0006
That’s right folks, Ron Speed Jr’s Adventures now offers it’s valuable customers the Strike King Rage Craw in THE #1 COLOR! You cannot buy this color anywhere else but through RSJA! Why? Because Strike King is currently not in production with this particular color. However, I believe the color to be the very best in soft plastic lures on lakes in western Mexico. There are a number of reasons why I believe it to be the very best color for soft plastics when used as jig trailers, spinner bait trailers and also fished Texas and Carolina rig.
That is, we only have our camps open for fishing on Comedero, El Salto and Picachos during the dry season, and the water clarity during those months on these lakes is perfect for fishing this particular color. Also with the bait fish in these three lakes, this is a color the bass absolutely LOVE! You will not fish a better color in terms of consistent action! Also, I believe Rage Tail’s Rage Craw by Strike King is the very best soft plastic on the market. Again, you can fish the Rage Craw so many different ways! The bass can’t resist the RAGE CRAW! Now you can fish the Rage Craw in the very best color at any of our three lakes, provided you are currently booked with RSJA and deposit paid. These will go very quickly so call us SOON to place your order! Thanks to our dear friends at Strike King and Rage Tail for making this happen for us, AND ESPECIALLY FOR YOU! Call us TODAY to place your order!!!